The Art of Jin Shin Workshop

Jin Shin Plus

Welcome to Jin Shin Plus, where your Jin Shin Workshop is crafted with you in mind.

Our intension is in creating an unforgettable experience that will give you a lifetime of self healing tools.

WHY CHOOSE THE Art of Jin SHin for healing

Subtle, yet profoundly Powerful

The Art of Jin Shin is simple, effective and anyone can practice. You can also apply it to a loved one

The work encourages a life of simplicity, calmness, patience and self-containment

This beautiful art harmonizes body, mind, and spirit by using our own hands.

Scheduled Workshops

  • August 10th Saturday 9:00 am - 10:30 am

    Location - Inside Out Somatics Healing Center
    70 Bell Rock Plaza

    6086 State Route 179 Village of Oak Creek - Sedona, AZ. 86351

  • August 10th Saturday 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

    Location - Inside Out Somatics Healing Center
    70 Bell Rock Plaza

    6086 State Route 179 Village of Oak Creek - Sedona, AZ. 86351

  • August 10th Saturday 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

    Location - Inside Out Somatics Healing Center
    70 Bell Rock Plaza

    6086 State Route 179 Village of Oak Creek - Sedona, AZ. 86351

  • August 10th Saturday 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

    Location - Inside Out Somatics Healing Center
    70 Bell Rock Plaza

    6086 State Route 179 Village of Oak Creek - Sedona, AZ. 86351

  • August 10th Saturday 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

    Location - Inside Out Somatics Healing Center
    70 Bell Rock Plaza

    6086 State Route 179 Village of Oak Creek - Sedona, AZ. 86351

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Jin Shin Jyutsu?

Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient healing Art that harmonises the body’s energy by using the fingers and hands. Available to each one of us, it is a gentle, yet dynamic way to facilitate the body’s own healing ability at the root level to promote increased health and wellbeing.

Where does Jin Shin Jyutsu come from?

The principles and KEYS of Jin Shin Jyutsu are as old as mankind, and as such, form part of our human make up. In ancient times, the teachings of this Art were passed down orally from generation to generation, but later the Art was virtually lost until it was dramatically revived in 1912 by a man called Jiro Murai in Japan. After healing himself of a terminal illness, Jiro Murai dedicated his life to studying how the energy pathways flow through the body. He rediscovered the unique system of KEY energy sites (officially called Safety Energy Locks) on the body. By using these, he learnt how to balance and correct any energy pathways that were compromised. He called this Jin Shin Jyutsu which at the time he took to mean: the art of happiness, the art of benevolence, the art of longevity. Jin Shin Jyutsu was introduced to the West in the 1950s by one of Master Jiro Murai’s most dedicated students, Mary Burmeister. She became its foremost teacher and now there are thousands of Jin Shin Jyutsu students and practitioners around the world.

What does Jin Shin Jyutsu mean?

Literally translated from the Japanese, Jin Shin Jyutsu means 'The Art of the Creator through the Man of Knowing and Compassion'.

How does Jin Shin Jyutsu work?

Jin Shin Jyutsu works by gently placing the hands on specific energy sites on the body. There are 26 energy sites, officially called Safety Energy Locks (SELs), on the left side and 26 mirror images on the right side. These 26 pairs of energy sites are spheres of concentrated energy and are located on the body according to their meaning and function. By lightly placing the hands on these SELs we can restore and harmonize the flow of energy and therefore facilitate the body’s natural capacity for self healing.

What do I need to bring?

Simply bring your smile.

We have mats, rugs, meditation cushions and a few chairs for those that would be more comfortable in a chair.

If you have your favorite mat, cushion or other feel free to bring it.

There is no need to bring a note pad and pen either, we will be using our hands so note taking isn't really possible.

What should I wear?

Comfortable loose fitting clothes are recommended

What time should I arrive?

The doors will open 15 minutes before the scheduled time, so feel free to arrive a few minutes beforehand.

Should I take notes?

We will be using our hands throughout the hour; however, there will be handouts given at the end of the workshop for review of the topics covered during the workshop.

What is the cost?

 This workshop is free. In this series of workshops, you will experience using gentle touch to remove the ener­getic blocks that are causing physical and emotional pain and disease. These self-care techniques can help you live healthier and happier lives. Like acupressure, the Art of Jin Shin can be administered by a trained prac­titioner, or it can be self-applied.



"Highly recommended! David has truly transformed me into a healthier person with Jin Shin. I've been able to go off of doctor prescribed meds just by learning to listen to my own body and create my own wellness. The Jin Shin self help recommendations David gave me, helped me to harmonize the energy within my own body naturally."

-- Daniel


“I had never tried Jin Shin Jyutsu
before and had no idea what it was, but my first session absolutely blew me away. Despite the technique being deceptively simple, I fell into the most relaxed state I’d ever been in during a bodywork session (and I’ve had a lot). I’ve seen David regularly now for several weeks and I can feel my body becoming more aligned, chronic pain I’ve had for years diminishing, and my overall sense of well being flourishing. David is an incredible practitioner and I’m truly grateful to have found him. I recommend David and Jin Shin Jyutsu wholeheartedly!"

-- Emily

Get In Touch


Mon – Sat 9:00am – 5:00pm

Sunday – CLOSED


70 Bell Rock Plaza, Sedona, AZ 86351, USA

70 Bell Rock Plaza

6086 State Route 179 Village of Oak Creek - Sedona, AZ. 86351

Copyright Jin Shin Plus 2024. All rights reserved