Jin Shin Jyutsu

Sessions & Rates

In Person Sessions


One Hour Jin Shin Session - In Person $120

A Jin Shin Jyutsu session, received fully clothed, is about an hour. After assessment, the practitioner employs a harmonizing sequence appropriate for unblocking pathways and restoring the energy flow.

During a session, heart-to-heart communication, deep listening, and gentle touch facilitate restoration.

While each session is unique to each person, a common response is one of deep relaxation.

Acute, chronic, or mysterious physical conditions and emotional states, as well as a sense of feeling stuck or trapped, indicate imbalanced or blocked energy which may be best addressed through a series of sessions. The effects of Jin Shin Jyutsu are cumulative. A session series may provide the greatest benefit; and sessions scheduled within a shorter period may be more effective than sessions spaced widely apart.

Before your session if you feel it necessary to eat, it is recommended that you have a light meal instead of a heavy meal. Less in the stomach is better during energy work.

After your session the energy movement from your session will still be moving for approximately eight more hours. To receive the best results from your session it is recommended to stay hydrated and take it easy. This doesn’t mean doing an intense spin class after your session – you know who you are.

On Line Sessions

30 Minute Online Session - $ 60 each

60 Minute Online Session - $ 120 each

A Jin Shin Jyutsu On Line session/Consultation

First, we have a chat so I can assess your situation.

We will then do a bioenergetic voice scan to assess hidden blockages.

Then I guide you through exercises which we practice together.

After the session, I send you the self help exercises to practice daily in the comfort of your own home until we ‘meet’ again.

Now is the time to come home to your true nature!


© 2023 Jin Shin Plus - All Rights Reserved


The statements made within this website have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. These statements and the products of this company are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.​


Please consult your physician before implementing any new diet, exercise and dietary supplement programs, especially if you have preexisting medical conditions or are taking prescribed medications. The statements made on this website are for educational purposes only and are not meant to replace the advice of your physician or healthcare provider.


Village of Oak Creek - Sedona, Arizona